If you find it difficult to cope during a power cut, you can get extra care if You are on the Priority Services Register.
You can be added to the Prority Services Register if, for example, you:-
• Are unwell or have a disability
• Are dependant on electricity for medical equipment
• Are of pensionable age or have children under 5
• Require additional communication support because you are blind, deaf or unable to speak English
Simply go to www.ThePSR.co.uk to find out more. You can input a postcode to be redirected to the relevant Distribution Network Operator (DNO) PSR page to sign up. It’s free to join and only takes a few minutes!
Here are some of the key benefits:
1. Advance notice of planned power cuts:We’ll let you know about any scheduled power outages, so you can be prepared
2. Support in emergencies:We will call you in a power cut and may be able to provide welfare support, or a generator
3. Caller identification: You can set up a password to provide extra confidence when we are visiting your home.
4. Help from our partners: Charities and other organisations can offer extra support.
5. Communication assistance:We can provide information in a way that works best for you.
Be Prepared!
Ensure you, or your loved ones, are prepared for a power cut. For example:
• Ensure medical equipment has a battery back-up
• Keep a battery powered torch handy. Avoid candles or paraffin heaters (they are a fire risk)
• Find out where your fuse box and trip switches are located
• Keep a list of emergency contacts handy; include family, friends, your GP and a pharmacy
• Keep a battery/solar charger handy so that you can recharge devices
• If you have a mains operated stair lift, a manual release handle may return it safely to ground level. Many stair lifts have battery back-up. If yours doesn’t, contact the manufacturer to ask about getting one fitted.
If there is a power cut
Stay away from any fallen overhead lines
See if any nearby neighbours are affected
Check the trip switch is in the ‘on’ position
If the trip switch is in the “off” position, switch off appliances and reset the trip switch
If the meter is pay as you go and the display is lit up, contact your electricity supplier
Energy efficiency and the low carbon transition
DNOs are different to your supplier (who you pay your bill to). Our job is to maintain the lines and cables that keep the power flowing DNOs have a network of trusted partners who can help with benefits checks, tariff switching and accessing Low Carbon Technology, for example. If you live in a cold home or are struggling to afford your energy bills, you can access tailored support. By joining the PSR you can be referred for an in-depth session with a partner agency.