Trade for prosperity

Water is essential for our bodies to function properly and stay healthy. It has many important
jobs, such as removing waste through sweat, urine, and bowel movements. Water also helps
regulate our body temperature and keeps our brain functioning well. It even helps our joints,
spinal cord, and tissues stay lubricated and protected. Drinking enough water is important for
physical performance and helping us absorb nutrients from the food we eat. In short, water is
vital for our overall well-being and keeping our bodies working at their best.

Facts UK & Hydration:
● Water makes up approx. 60% of bodyweight in men and 50-55% in women (as women
usually have more body fat).1
● Current UK recommendations are to drink 6 – 8 glasses of fluid.2
● How does hydration affect cognitive function? One study3 showed that flight performance
and spatial cognition test scores were significantly poorer for pilots who were dehydrated
in comparison to their hydrated pilots peers.
● Another study4 found hydrated adults appear to be healthier, biologically younger, and
develop fewer chronic conditions, such as heart and lung disease, compared to their
peers who did not have sufficient fluid intake.
When we developed the air up drinking system, our goal was to make hydration healthier and
more appealing to as many people as possible. By using only water and a natural physical
process that occurs whenever you eat or drink, we’ve achieved just that. Did you know that your
brain can transform water into flavours using just scent? Let us explain how that works:
As humans, our experience of flavour is a complex combination of multiple senses. Flavour is
not just determined by our sense of taste and smell, but is influenced by sight, touch, and
sound. While the olfactory stimuli play a significant role in determining the flavour, it is through
the retronasal pathway in our olfactory system that we truly perceive the full aromas of the
things we eat and drink.
The olfactory pathway involves both orthonasal olfaction, which occurs when we inhale air
containing odorants from external sources such as perfumes, and retronasal olfaction, which
happens during the chewing and swallowing of food & drink. In the latter process, as we chew
and swallow, the aroma molecules from the food or beverage are propelled to the back of our
throat and then upwards into our nasal cavity. This stimulates the olfactory epithelium and
triggers reactions in the brain that allow us to recognise and interpret flavours.

It is important to note that both pathways bring odor molecules to the olfactory epithelium for
processing by the brain. However, the retronasal pathway is particularly crucial in detecting
ingested aromas from food and beverages.
At air up, we understand the importance of providing safe and compliant flavours for use in a
variety of beverages. Our flavours are free of common food allergens and suitable for
vegetarians and vegans. And while our product may seem like magic, it is simply utilising the
natural process of retronasal olfaction that even mice are capable of.
In fact, we engage in retronasal olfaction every time we eat or drink – a simple experiment
involving holding your nose while eating sugar and cinnamon can demonstrate this
phenomenon. By opening your nose after swallowing, you will suddenly be able to perceive the
cinnamon aroma, thanks to retronasal olfaction.
Stay hydrated with air up and elevate your water game. Experience the power of retronasal
olfaction and satisfy your taste buds while meeting your hydration goals. Try it now. Visit to find out more and use code “Hydrate” to save 10%.
1. British Nutrition Foundation. (n.d.). Hydration. Retrieved May 1, 2024, from
sential%20for%20life,and%20shock%20absorber%20in%20joints. (“Hydration
2. British Nutrition Foundation. (n.d.). Hydration. Retrieved May 1, 2024, from
3. Lindseth PD, Lindseth GN, Petros TV, Jensen WC, Caspers J. Effects of hydration on
cognitive function of pilots. Mil Med. 2013 Jul;178(7):792-8. doi:
10.7205/MILMED-D-13-00013. PMID: 23820354.
4. Dmitrieva, N. I., Gagarin, A., Liu, D., Wu, C. O., & Boehm, M. (2023). Middle-age high
normal serum sodium as a risk factor for accelerated biological aging, chronic diseases,
and premature mortality. EBioMedicine, 87.
Shorter (Leaflet) Version:
Why water?
Water is crucial for maintaining bodily functions and optimal health. It removes waste and
regulates temperature, aids in brain function, and helps with physical performance and nutrient
absorption. Simply put, water is essential for overall well-being.
Facts you should know about hydration.
● Water makes up approx. 60% of bodyweight in men and 50-55% in women (as women
usually have more body fat).1
● Current UK recommendations are to drink 6 – 8 glasses of fluid.2
● How does hydration affect cognitive function? One study3 showed that flight performance
and spatial cognition test scores were significantly poorer for pilots who were dehydrated
in comparison to their hydrated pilots peers.
● Another study4 found hydrated adults appear to be healthier, biologically younger, and
develop fewer chronic conditions, such as heart and lung disease, compared to their
peers who did not have sufficient fluid intake.
When we developed the air up drinking system, our goal was to make hydration healthier and
more appealing. Did you know that your brain can transform water into flavours using just
scent? We’ll explain how that works:
What is taste?
As humans, our experience of flavour is complex. It involves taste, smell, sight, touch, and
sound. The process of retronasal olfaction is crucial in detecting aromas from food and drinks.
At air up, we create flavours that are free of all major food allergens and suitable for vegetarians
and vegans.
What is scentaste?
While our product may seem like magic, it is simply utilising the natural process of retronasal
olfaction that even mice are capable of. We engage in this process every time we eat or drink.
At air up, our flavour technology is called Scentaste – your sixth sense for perceiving flavour
without any sugar or calories.
Stay hydrated with air up and elevate your water game. Experience the power of retronasal
olfaction and satisfy your taste buds while meeting your hydration goals. Try it now. Visit to find out more and use code “Hydrate” to save 10%
1. British Nutrition Foundation. (n.d.). Hydration. Retrieved May 1, 2024, from
(“Hydration Information”)
2. British Nutrition Foundation. (n.d.). Hydration. Retrieved May 1, 2024, from
3. Lindseth PD, Lindseth GN, Petros TV, Jensen WC, Caspers J. Effects of
hydration on cognitive function of pilots. Mil Med. 2013 Jul;178(7):792-8. doi:
10.7205/MILMED-D-13-00013. PMID: 23820354.
4. Dmitrieva, N. I., Gagarin, A., Liu, D., Wu, C. O., & Boehm, M. (2023). Middle-age
high normal serum sodium as a risk factor for accelerated biological aging,
chronic diseases, and premature mortality. EBioMedicine, 87.
