Trade for prosperity

Did you know Marie Curie cares for people with any illness they’re likely to die from?

We’ll ease your pain, protect your dignity and support the people you love – putting you first.

Whatever the illness, we’re with you to the end.

In your home, in our hospices and over the phone.

Marie Curie Nurses and healthcare professionals provide expert hospice care where it’s needed.

  • Our hospices

From medical to emotional care, our hospices can help you live the best life possible – right to the end.

  • Hospice care at home.

Nurses, Healthcare Assistants and specialists bring care and support to the comfort of your own home.

  • Urgent hospice care at home.

Terminal illness doesn’t follow a schedule. That’s why we provide fast, responsive care – day or night.

  • Companions.

Emotional and practical companionship from trained volunteers – at home, in hospital or over the phone.

Providing information and support.

Whatever your question, Marie Curie is here to help. For people living with an illness they’re likely to die from, and those close to them.

  • Support over the phone.

Our free Support Line provides practical and emotional support over the phone in over 200 languages, and via webchat.

  • Support with your energy bills.

If you need information on things like supplier-specific support, grants, and energy efficiency updates, our Energy Support Officers are here to help.

  • Trusted information.

From planning for the future to caring for someone at home, our free information is here for everyone – online, in print, or over the phone.


  • Support through bereavement.

When someone close to you dies from a terminal illness, our Bereavement Support Service offers six weekly sessions with the same trained volunteer, over the phone.

Marie Curie is the UK’s leading end of life charity

Marie Curie is here for anyone with an illness they’re likely to die from,and those close to them. Whatever the illness, wherever you are, we’re with you to the end. We bring 75 years of experience and leading research to the care we give you at home, in our hospices and over the phone.And we push for a better end of life for all campaigning and sharing research to change the system.

Whatever the illness, we’re here to help.

To find out more about the services available in your area or to get information and support today, call free or visit

0800 090 2309*

* Your calls may be recorded for training and monitoring
purposes. Please check the website for Support Line
opening hours.

Charity reg no. 207994 (England & Wales),
SC038731 (Scotland) N368
